Well, I've just requested Wade re-mod me, and barring any unforseen accumulated grudges or whatever other crazy possibilities, I'll be back modding your BBS in no time.
... beware! Mwuah ha ha.
I'm not quite done with this semester, so this'll be more of a 'mod in title only' in all likelyhood for the next week or so, but I'm definitely ready to 'return' to these forums. Refreshed optimism about your collective intelligence abounds!
I think I might re-double my efforts when it comes to trying out the whole flash scene as well. Finally make use of this great tablet convertible I hooked myself up with two+ years ago and make a splash on the brand new NG as a brand new Evark. Not that any of you neccessarily care, but I'm blogging so I figure I might as well share my intentions regardless of whether or not they come to fruition. Also: you're the one who navigated your browser here. So stuff it.
Upkeep of my account has been handled by aviewaskewed, so make sure every time you see him on the forums you tell him he's awesome. I know I'll be orally thanking him for all his help (cock joke).
So, uh... yea.
Woohoo! The guy who created the solutions to the BBS is back!
Oh, and your B/P rank today is 777. How lucky.
Hah. I'm glad to see I was somewhat missed.
And yea. It's funny because my B/P rank was around 400 or less at its height way back in the day.