How did you manage to remember so much detail?
My lexica exude confidence like cartels' Mexicans dispute dominance while this rhyme's ever-increasing prominence brings sick-flow and I to concomitance.
Age 38, Male
Real world
UMass Amherst
Boston, MA
Joined on 10/22/03
How did you manage to remember so much detail?
I wrote this all out here about 20 minutes after waking. I knew if I hadn't, I'd have only remembered the gist of each dream. Sure enough, I came back after sleeping a few more hours and read it again, noticing that I'd already forgotten a few details.
I used to have dreams in series, back in like 5th or 6th grade. They were really cool.
Most of them involved my friends and I being Zelda-esque characters fighting giant spiders and other various insects. We even had deku nuts, slingshots, and everything. It was so great.
Alas, I had never received any Gold Skulltula Tokens from killing any of them. :(
Best dream I ever had was where I was a hawk. No doubt inspired by my avid readership of Animorphs at the time.
not the BEST option, but, maybe, a therapist?
Dreams are merely the rippled reflections of our waking life.
this is something else... im going to read this while drunk
Ha ha. Niiice.
you're the best talker I met Evark. well, if anything strange has ever happened to you in the past in you're life, or if you're having any stress, or stressful moments often in your life lately, that might have something to do with it
I don't really do stress. I mean, sure, some things do kinda stress me out. But I've always been able to put stressful situations into perspective. I'm hoping that my attitude toward life will really pay off in my later years. My family has quite the history with heart problems on both sides.
Anyway, I really doubt I need therapy. I'm pretty well-adjusted.
You were a fucking hawk?!
Holy fucking fuck, I wish I had a dream like that. Hawks are so badass.
To date, my most treasured memory. I was soaring through this thick forest and came upon this clearing to circle higher than the trees in. I've had dreams where I could fly as a person, but this one beat the shit out of those.
Bizarro Indeed. Just what the hell is going on in our heads anyway? Seriously. I wish I had some dreams to share, but the only ones I half-remember are the ones that involve full or semi-sleep paralysis.
The whole "window isn't there 'til you need it" bit is quite interesting, huh? I think that sort of brain processes is linked to hallucinations. The few hallucinations I've had in my life seem to always nip at the heels of a quick thought...
Ah, too bad. If you can train yourself to keep a dream journal right by your bed and ALWAYS write anything you remember down immediately, you could start finding entries that you don't remember when you wake up the next day. I've always found that sometimes you can forget entire episodes of waking life if it's brief and sandwiched between two long sleeps. (ie: you don't remember getting up to piss in the middle of the night)
It's SO odd how things are compartmentalized. I've had dreams where I've KNOWN in every possible way that a specific person was "such-and-such," but they've actually had a different face on them. I have dreams where specific places I KNOW are "such-and-such" place, and am mildly put-off by the inconsistent details, but every question I ask myself pertaining to them is answered by the dream. Like, I had a dream where my house had this extra driveway going off into what's actually woods IRL. In the dream I was confused, but the confusion was answered with "memories" of the driveway's prior existence.
And then there's the dreams that are QUITE literally inspired by real life. My dad had a dream where he got a call about Real Estate and the guy says, "Yes, Hi. I'd like to speak to Don. Don. Don. Don. Don. Don. Don. Don. Don...." It was the sound of his alarm going off.
That's because hawks are way cooler in comparison.
Think about it, which would be more fun? To be a human, with all the manual labor and shitty jobs, or to be a hawk, flying peacefully and without worries?
Hawk, obviously. I doubt hawks have dreams where they're land-walking psuedo-intellectual monkeys.
You should regularly jump down the stairs to make sure you're not dreaming. If you find your leg broken, congratulations! It's real!
... yea.
Uncle Evark?
My brother's gonna be pissed to find out he owes child support.
You seem to have extremely vivid dreams. That's cool, unless you're having weird as shit dreams like these. I had to take a break between 1 and 2 to keep my brain from melting.
Yea. I was most perplexed by the dream of the girl peering into my soul or whatever. The whole Mr. Sperry bit is legit, too. Ha ha, I still can't believe after that whole scene the first thing I see walking out is my old HS math teacher.
I want to be in your dreams. Invite me into the next one.
But I don't know what you look or sound like. Maybe if I have a dream that involves one of those interviews with a shadowed informant with the voice pitch all changed it'll be you.
I'll get on that. You're officially invited to my dreams.
Well... i've read it... and yeah... it blew my mind... hard to believe you remember all this... i can barely remember what i did today, much less my dreams...
Hah. I dunno, I've a penchant for detail, I suppose.
Both those dreams sound cool, I especially like the second one. Sounds really freaky. I don't think there's ever been violence like that in any dreams of mine.
I once had a dream that I was a goose.
Man was it ever. I still have an impression of the expressions on the faces of the carcasses... carci?
A goose, eh? The statement sounds like the beginning of a great nursery rhyme, somehow.
Reminds me of a dream where me and my actual real life best friend had powers. I could control time and he had telepathy. It was awesome till the one where I lost my powers >:( I have to wait till the next one to get them back
Telepathy seems like the better power in that situation. He could control your mind, and consequently: time.
Though I hate to double post, I must explain he could only read minds, not control them.
Ha ha. Who cares? It's a conversation. Also: I see.
As big as a perv I am, and combining that with time control, I find it surprising I didn't rape somebody
There's no such thing as rape in dreams. ; )
Well you definitely have a more imaginative subconscious than me. The last dream that I can remember was about me climbing up a tree, followed by me falling out of the tree supposedly to my death as I wake up immediately afterwards. I sense great fortune in my future : )
I bet if you walked yourself through the dream after having it, you'd remember more. I tend to link together the events of the dream in series of logical successions. When those fall apart, my memory of the dream falls apart.
Like, there was tons MORE before and leading into the first dream, and LOTS after. I think the two dreams might have even been connected from my subconscious wanderings. Like, I was watching TV some time shortly after where the first dream took place and the second dream happened. I don't know, because the details weren't important enough to remember.
You have awesome dreams.
My average dream \\
1. I see a cliff.
2. I jump.
3. I land on someone, and save a girl.
4. Romantic kiss. Followed with NO INTERCOURSE?!?
I'm guessing this is from the lack of romance and significance in my life. As anyone else would dream of doing some outlandish, freaky thing during sex.
It's deffinitely not from lack of drama...
Whoa. My mind 'sploded.
Yea, ain't that some shit?