I don't entirely know why I'm going to insist on sharing these with you guys. I don't get many responses and the ratio of worthwhile to not is in favor of saving myself the effort.
Anyway, here's the poem mentioned two news posts ago:
(By palming the mind you've fingered the senses)
Hold That Thought
Opposability is the crux of our touch.
. . Though its digital duplicity allows also to feel
. . . . . The real.
Indexing eyes verify, but, despite physical ability,
. . Now, to hold the pen, a picture's worth: (I've heard)
. . . . . 1.0 x 10^3 a word.
Middle-man hears the word on the street and so he brokers
. . Opinion. Listen, even a bold-faced lie holds a grain of the true.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fuck you."
Ring on your finger displays personal taste in your two
. . Favorite people, traditionally. If you know yourself well,
. . . . . Your choice can tell.
Pinky thinks he links me to my word. Maybe so, though I
. . Swear it correct that my tongue tastes a muffled yell
. . . . . Without smell.
Five, for thee, too, won
. . Nothing.
The periods are there just to preserve spacing. The assignment was to write a poem in which the five sense are used.
He doesn't like you. I don't like you either.
I'll be careful.