A belated happy new year to you all. You, of course, specifically referring to the awesome people who bother to click my username for my own special brand of NG blogging. I'd ask what you did, but if I care enough I can just check out your blog posts on the subject. This is mine, fuckers.
I went drunk wandering into Boston. Many hilarious adventures abounded. Some highlights:
- Near brawl in the streets with some punk West Roxbury kids. Fight avoided due to disinterest in being arrested (mostly on the part of my friend with a future in law enforcement).
---- Segway to the above: 2 minutes later, a group of 5 uniformed officers walking around saw my friend tending to his bloodied ear (who we were restraining from going back to put those kids in line) asking for a description on the kids who did it. Yea, buddy, just look for the group of a dozen white kids wearing Red Sox hats in Boston. While you're at it, I've got a needle I need you to find in that haystack over there.
--------- Further segway, based on hay: friend approaching large group of most likely jailbait with, "Excuse me girls, can I ask you a question?"
"What do gay horses eat?"
"What?" (giggles)
"HaaaaaAAAAAaaaay!" (tone is important here, it starts low on the 'a', ascends, and then descends back to original level. Basically, a three syllable one-syllable word).
- Apparently, I was within 50 feet or so of this girl I met at school. She and her group of friends were basically doing the exact same thing, and ended up in the exact same place to view the fireworks of the New Year. It's too bad we didn't notice each other, since she's pretty awesome and that would've made the night MUCH more awesome.
So yea, I've been on Winter Break now for two weeks. And since I'm enjoying a pretty consistent lack of job since getting back, I figure I might as well just stick out the rest and remain unemployed until I return to University. Only problem is that there's not much to do in this town when you lack income. You're too unwilling to spend money to have fun, so you just end up sitting around all day, playing video games, and trolling NG's forums. Doldrums.
Your hair is awesome.