IRL Related things: I just left my car in the wrong lot for the entirety of the week and as a result owe parking services three $40 tickets. I'm fucking pissed. Normally I'm not that retarded about where I park my car, and certainly not in a way that gets me fucked REPEATEDLY in the asshole.
Anyway: here's a couple poems I recently had to write for my poetry class. I think they both kind of suck, and the last one is unfinished because it really sucks. So I'm not posting the last one.
Forget about the rhyme, abandon it.
We ask you only consistently for
Meaning. Don't distract us; frighten cliché
Away. A metered iambic-of course!
How could we not have told you already?
It is as dead as Shakespeare is himself,
But he will revolve in his coffin if
You libelously use it. You got it?
I see you are the critics, so I will
Respond in kind as cynic. I think that
Your liberal art so fears conservative
Thinking you haven't noticed you've got some-
Thing don't need fixing. And rhyme to desist?
It's not nearly forced, 'cause I can't resist.
***This poem's written in blank verse and is closest to a Petrarchan sonnet, despite the fact that I have a rhyming couplet at the end.
Eye color is determined genetically. Though there are only three genes re-
sponsible, there exists an immense variation between individual eye color.
Since youth I've found myself fascinated With this difference, although
with my consciousness. I grow older and it doesn't matter, we can shun
others equally aware as I stand the dull ones. Natural selection is with-
out in memory; they've instigated in us all, yet a feel for the importance
tension between all the aforementioned. of what our genes forgot seems
Some felt that others might be beneath them, absent. We're only aware
though I digress. Doesn't every branch stem 'cause of past generations
from the same trunk of the tree? Though shunned, fully understanding
isn't failure simply the prequel to their limitations and exploring results.
success? Humans are characterized by Our successes, our failures, and
needing to see to believe the why. our ability to visualize the differences
Yet faith is commonly the virtue, too. between them all set us apart. If
The glint in your eyes force my eye contact we only knew what it was,
and I find like brightness always intact. what precise differences we'd
abandoned those thousands of years ago, we might have a better idea of
where we were headed in the first place. I've an idea, but exclusion isn't
***This one is a little bit different. I was following the style of a poet I've found named Philip Nikolayev (I forget how it's spelled). His are much better than mine, and I attempted to make one that made sense when read all three ways (read the embedded sonnet, read the surrounding text, read the whole thing all at once) whereas his only make sense when read in the first two ways. Additionally: Newgrounds's formatting makes it so that the right margin doesn't line up perfectly, but you should know that it's supposed to.
Anyway, What d'y'all think?
3 $40 tickets? That sucks.